The Facial Surgery Center

Four Procedures for Facial Rejuvenation

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As we age, our bodies eventually look and feel far different than they did when we were young. This affects all areas, but for the skin especially, the effects start becoming noticeable as early as our mid-20s.

While in the past there was little a person could do to help combat this fact of life, there now exist numerous procedures proven to restore and rejuvenate the all-important face.

Having a healthy face that reflects your inner beauty doesn’t just affect your mental image of yourself, but also plays a major role in our social, personal, and even professional relationships. Your face is the first thing people notice when they meet you, and often the most memorable aspect they associate with you afterward. Creating a lasting, positive impression can yield all sorts of benefits, along with a stronger sense of confidence.

Taking the time to explore the options to ensure you are proud and happy with your appearance is something we all deserve. After a little research, understanding more informed choices can be made based on the reality of what we offer to our patients.

1. Rhinoplasty – Reshaping the Nose

The second-most popular procedure in the USA these days is rhinoplasty, which can be best understood as the reshaping of the nose for cosmetic and or functional purposes.

Over time, the skin begins to lose elasticity. In the nose particularly, this can mean an increase in size and eventual drooping. These gradual changes can throw the natural symmetry of our faces out of balance, leading to a less aesthetically pleasing appearance than what a person had possessed in youth. Our highly trained and experienced surgeon can help identify these irregularities and chart the best route to either restore a nose to its previous condition or alter it to your liking.

There are different goals for nose surgery one should be mindful of before making any decision:

  • Reduction (making smaller) 
  • After trauma/straightening 
  • Augmentation (adding cartilage for shape and support) 
  • Revision after previous surgeries 
  • Reconstruction after skin cancer  

During your consultation, Doctor Hochman will examine your nose, measure the proportions of your facial features, and get an idea of the exact changes you desire. These steps allow him to design the right approach for your desires.

The benefits of rhinoplasty surgery aren’t limited to strictly cosmetic concerns either. As the primary means of breathing, those who struggle with issues like a deviated septum or other breathing-related issues stand to benefit from this process as well. Where the breath goes, the body and mind follow, and so if you have nose-related breath issues, it’s worth taking the time to explore your options.

Talk to our professional team today about your questions, issues, and desires regarding your nose, and with a little help, you can regain control of your facial features and breathe.

2. Rhytidectomy – A Facelift

The skin of the face around the cheeks and neck is especially sensitive and prone to becoming damaged over time. When you start to notice these areas have lost some luster, then it might be time to consider a facelift to restore your natural beauty.

For most, the causes of aging skin range from UV damage from the sun, genetics, and personal habits. One can slow these effects down with certain treatments, healthy skincare routines, and preventative measures, but at some point, a more hands-on approach becomes necessary for complete facial rejuvenation.

At our clinic, facial rejuvenation involves more than just pulling skin tight. Doctor Hochman repositions the deepest tissues of the face to reproportion the volume. The key is to individualize your result. Some people need fat removed while others do not. Some need more skin repositioned and others need ‘neck bands’ addressed. 

All these issues require custom answers to fully resolve. Doctor Hochman will individualize and camouflage the incisions designed for you. He has completed more deep plane and SMAS facelifts procedures than any surgeon in Charleston.

To varying degrees, each of these procedures targets the fine lines and wrinkles of the face that often creep in around the neck and cheeks. Once these fatty tissues begin to lose their shape, all that’s required is a minimally invasive treatment option to put definition and youthful features back where they belong.

Finding the right facelift option for your situation doesn’t just mean a more attractive appearance for others, but a better reflection in the mirror for yourself. Reach out today to our staff and see what treatment options we’d recommend for your unique case.

3. Endoscopic Brow Lift – Subtle and Effective 

While a facelift will help undo some of time’s damage to the cheek and neck regions, for the area above the eyes, an endoscopic browlift becomes necessary when the muscles in the forehead weaken and the skin drops due to gravity and UV damage.

Skin starts to most noticeably age as we enter our 30s due to the effects of gravity and UV damage. This means by the time we reach our 40s, people start to notice fine lines from compensating and lifting the brow.

We offer a unique endoscopic brow lift treatment that targets the area subtly and effectively. Injectables like botulinum toxin products (commonly known as Botox), work temporarily before ultimately becoming counterproductive when they later drop the brow.

Doctor Hochman does both temporal and endoscopic browlifts completely with hidden incisions. The result is a more youthful, open-eyed appearance much like after a luxurious spa day. Eyes in particular appear restored and healthy after the brow has been lifted.

For those with foreheads that are constantly creased, furrowed, and starting to hood over the eyes, these procedures provide a quick and painless solution to age-related skin issues. Doctor Hochman has performed more endoscopic browlifts than anyone in South Carolina, and his years of experience have translated to him becoming an expert in the field.

4. Lip Lifts – Lasting Solutions

The lips are often what we notice first on another person’s face along with the nose. Together they make up the “triangle of attention”, which is where a person typically scans with their eyes when looking at a new face. These observations and judgments are all made within seconds of seeing someone, and so maintaining healthy, full lips can heavily influence others’ perceptions of us.

Lip lifts and augmentations are wildly popular and common these days to enhance such a crucial feature of the face. However, there are key choices to understand before undergoing this important procedure.

One popular option is to use hyaluronic acid for lip filler procedures. It occurs naturally in the body and provides safe, natural-appearing plumpness to lips. However, it does eventually dissolve, which means repeated treatments will be necessary.

Another more lasting lift augmentation option is lip Permalip, a new technique that requires no upkeep once the silicone elastomer fillers are situated. Our staff is uniquely qualified to perform this procedure, and for those looking for a permanent solution to thinning lips, there’s no better option currently on the market.

For those who are more concerned with the position of the lips rather than their volume, a lip lift procedure can be an ideal solution. In just under an hour, our staff can raise the top and edges of the lips so they then appear more well-defined and full. A lip lift surgery is simple, permanent answer to thinning or sagging lips, one that doesn’t require any upkeep, implants, or injections. The procedure elevates and enhances the lip’s position on the face and leaves patients with a more balanced and natural smile.

Feel Proud of Your Face

Facial rejuvenation has never been safer, easier, and more affordable. Whether you need just a simple touch-up or are looking for a more comprehensive solution, our team can walk you through each step to find a solution that suits your needs.

Schedule a consultation with our experienced team today to see what the facial rejuvenation process would entail. Information for real, lasting change is just a few clicks away. 

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