If you want to improve your facial appearance but would like a less invasive procedure, then chin and cheek augmentation via facial implants are your answer. We offer the following two options for our patients as they reliably yield significant results:
While significant effects can be achieved with both, for those looking to achieve precise, longer lasting results that balance a facial appearance, there’s no better solution than permanent implants.
If you are troubled by a small chin, weak jaw, deflated cheeks, or general lack of facial contour, there now exist specially formulated materials that are compatible with human tissue and can offset these issues. Chin and cheek augmentations bolster and balance your face to create a more pleasing, buoyant appearance.
Chin and cheek augmentation is an incredibly safe and effective procedure for those interested in enhancing their appearance. Patients can expect the following benefits to take effect immediately after the facial implants procedure:
The details patients can expect from this procedure are:
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